In Luke this morning, after I was led by Holy Spirit to these scripture reference by Jesus;
Luke 9:62 Jesus replied no one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom
of God. (DON’t look back, or over, or sideways CH ) In reading just that, it could almost seem harsh; wow!
if I look back to see what is behind me, I am un- fit!
But, I want to invite you to imagine if you will, for a few moments a bit more on the pretext to this verse. For me,it had such a vivid impact as I read it and imagined His ultimate good.
In Luke 9:49~50 John says’ Master we saw someone, driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop
him, because (HE IS NOT ONE OF US). Do not stop him, ‘Jesus said’ For whoever is not against you is for you.(Encourage one another and Be FOR -CH)
Headed to Jerusalem Via a Samaritan Village:
Luke 9:54~56 When the disciples James and John saw this, (opposition) they asked, “Lord, do you want us to
call fire down from heaven to destroy them? But Jesus turned and rebuked them. Then he and His disciples
went to another village. (Don’t destroy people- Choose another route led by the Holy spirit- CH).
I invite you into the field, the dirt, the rows and rows that need to be plowed. However, with a mule and a
handheld plow and putting your hand to it. Digging in, one row at a time. Smell the dirt, feel the earth beneath
your feet. Knowing at the end harvest season, all the work you have put in will produce a great harvest, if you keep your hand to the plow.
Don’t Look back! Don’t look over to the right or the left. Your field is a field for a harvest in time that is set for
eternity, and the field you are plowing is a field that you were created to plow that no one else can.
It may be a field of potatoes, corn, strawberries, wheat, barley, rye, it may be a field of grapes.
Or maybe it is a field of people and souls that have journeyed down the same pathas you; one that has been
paved with regrets, addictions, shame, abuse, pride, haughtiness, anger, bitterness, loneliness, depression,
anxiety, abandonment. I don’t know, But HE does. And there are those in your season and time, that need you
to put your hands to your plow, and don’t look back! Your field and harvest need you. .
I would like to Invite you a little deeper with me. As the disciples were on their way to this destination, they
witness others! How many others do we see? You know, other churches, other denominations, other theology
maybe that does not fully line up with (ME). “Others“ They were casting out Demons in your name.
BUT, they were not one of “US”. Who are “WE”? We are all created in the image of God; Genesis 1:27
So God Created mankind in his own image in the image of God he created them; male and female.
Jesus Says” Whoever is for you, Is not against you. Can I say this again; Jesus Says’ Whoever is for you, is not against you. Imagine if you can, that there are those who we have thought, but they do this or that it’s not the
way I do, or they are not in ‘MY’ Group. Call over the fence and encourage your sisters and Brothers in Christ, keep plowing, don’t look back “WE” can do this. Go after the crop that you were called to and I will go after mine. I will pray for you and know that if I have extra I will share. If you need help with yours and I have time
I will pitch in. John 13:3435 A new command I give you; Love one another, As I have loved you, so you must
love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
What is your Harvest field to plow? I encourage you to go after it with all you have. Now, I want to invite you to reflect on the opposition that we have had, will have or will face on the way, as we are putting our hands to
the plow.
We may be passing through some cities, or Seasons as we are plowing this field, Are we any different than thedisciples? When we are rejected in the city or by a group; We want to call down fire and destroy them.
Notice, Jesus rebuked them; and they traveled by another route and the route they were on is to Jerusalem for
Jesus to be Crucified for our redemption. Jesus kept His hand to the PLOW.
I invite you - Don’t destroy people as you are plowing the field set before you; Encourage your brothers and
Sisters in Christ as you do plow, not judging and comparing or tearing down.
As they are not against you, if they are for you. And once you have grabbed the plow, don’t look back dig in
and know, that field and harvest is yours ordained by God, strengthened by Jesus and led by Holy spirit.
There is a great reward that we will all share.